Wow, no new posts since January...

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Wow, no new posts since January...

Postby Monster on Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:10 pm

I think this is the longest we've gone without posting anything. Has Facebook usurped our venerable site? I personally feel like I haven't had much to say the past couple of months.

I've been playing some decent games lately; Assassin's Creed 2 is awesome, Just Cause 2 is pretty decent, FFXIII is... I'm still not sure about that one. I haven't played it in a week or two, so maybe that's an indication of how I feel about it.

Has anyone seen any trailers for APB? That looks like the next MMO I'd like to try out, assuming it's released before KOTOR. Check it out, it looks fantastic! Everything is customizable, from your clothes to your cars. It will be like a huge GTA battle zone that's constantly going. This is the kind of innovation that companies need to start putting into their MMOs... these WoW clones have got to stop. I for one would love to see more sci-fi or modern MMOs to replace the glut of typical fantasy MMOs (not to mention real-time combat in MMOs). Another one that looks interesting is Secret World. Maybe it's because D&D 4E wore me down, but I'm started to get tired of traditional fantasy. In fact, I plan on playing pen and paper Shadowrun soon, which should be cool.

So what do you guys think? Do we need this site anymore, or has everyone just had nothing to say? We haven't played a game together since, what, the first year of WoW? Of course, there haven't really been any major multiplayer PC releases since then (that I can think of), and we're more splintered than ever thanks to the console wars.
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Re: Wow, no new posts since January...

Postby -Xanath- on Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:52 am

I still lurk and check the forum pretty much daily, I remember picking at Hudson (DV) just to try and keep stuff lively. Anyhow, games! Secret World = FunCom = automatic fail, but I'll look into APB. I agree with the hope that the WoW mold will not only be broken but shattered. SWTOR (KOTOR) is on my radar, but thus far it hasn't really done anything to stand out as anything more than your typical BioWare experience (which is still exceptional, at least the first time through). Hado and I have been playing Dawn of War 2 for lack of anything better to do, but once my knee is better and I'm back to training MMA five days a week, I doubt we'll even do much of that. Hopefully something worthwhile comes along!
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Re: Wow, no new posts since January...

Postby DarkViruz on Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:26 pm

That we added each other on facebook has essentially made this site pointless in a live existence. It is now just an archive. I say make an NNN group on facebook.
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Re: Wow, no new posts since January...

Postby Monster on Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:22 am

So be it. I've invited you, Wynn and Xanath. I don't know of any other NNN on Facebook...
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Re: Wow, no new posts since January...

Postby Razster on Thu May 06, 2010 10:52 pm

Sup homies!

I haven't seen anyone on NOX lately? I've been owning these noobs...
Should give it a try sometime :)
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Re: Wow, no new posts since January...

Postby -Xanath- on Mon May 10, 2010 5:38 pm

Something tells me I can't run down to Wal-mart and buy a copy, or I'd join you. :wink:
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Re: Wow, no new posts since January...

Postby DarkViruz on Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:45 am

-Xanath- wrote:Something tells me I can't run down to Wal-mart and buy a copy, or I'd join you. :wink:

I might be a couple months late, but just so you know Westwood sent me like 3 copies of nox, so if you want grab the iso and i can grab you a legit cd key xan lol. That said, it looks like BLC is pretty fun at the moment. So jut keep this in mind the next time there is a sever game downtime.

Then I can get back in Nox and teach Razster jsut exactly how you play a conjurer.
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Re: Wow, no new posts since January...

Postby Razster on Tue Jan 28, 2020 6:06 pm

10 years later. 2020...

Amazed this site and forum are still up and running.

Hope everyone is doing well.
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Re: Wow, no new posts since January...

Postby Shoruk3n on Mon Jun 15, 2020 11:18 pm

Ahh yes, this brings me back.
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Re: Wow, no new posts since January...

Postby DarkViruz on Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:40 am

I remember Monster asking if he should shut this site down at some point. But I like that this relic continues to exist a decade later where we can all reflect at what terrible nerds we were.
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Re: Wow, no new posts since January...

Postby Monster on Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:10 am

DarkViruz wrote:I remember Monster asking if he should shut this site down at some point. But I like that this relic continues to exist a decade later where we can all reflect at what terrible nerds we were.

This shit will never die.
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Re: Wow, no new posts since January...

Postby Shoruk3n on Fri Feb 04, 2022 4:51 pm

So yea, I'm currently reinstalling.
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