RG, Monster where are you guys???


Postby Stix on Wed Jul 23, 2003 9:16 pm

Monster should be a spokesperson for UO. But personally I thought UO was boring as hell.

The only MMORPG I found worth while was DAoC. The coordination of a guild and often an entire realm in RvR made it fun. But the rest of the game was tedious and unintuitive (the quest, levelling and crafting systems all sucked ass).

As for nerfing... I won't play any game that requires a monthly fee where nerfing is too severe and where the possibility of something being nerfed is too high. Especially if you can only have one character. I'm not willing to pay 100 bucks to work on a character for several months only to have its ass nerfed down the line.

But, hey, that's why I've decided not to play it. So have fun for those of you who decided to give it a go.

every fucking game in the history of MMORPGs is going to have a nerf fest through its history. So it bit us in the ass sooner than later.. big deal.

DAoC never had a "nerf fest." The nerfs they did were minor and they often changed it back when they realize they had made a mistake. The devs play the game themselves and test the balance often. They mildly nerfed zerks a short while ago, but they were still the most powerful tanks by the time I left the game.

If you're willing to accept "nerf fests" then you need to reevaluate things here. Nerfs are a problem in the MMORPG industry. If you just "go with the flow" and don't do anything to act against it, then the devs are going to continue to make stupid mistakes like that and the mediocrity of the MMORPG genre will persist. It's like that whole idea that for evil to triump, all it takes is a good person to do nothing.
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Postby Monster on Wed Jul 23, 2003 10:30 pm

Actually UO didn't require that much skill.

Yet it took you a whole paragraph to briefly outline the skills it took to PVP. Would you say that Nox took no skill because people could learn the tricks?

You had to use programs like UO Extreme or UOAssist to be decent in combat since UO lacked the ability to actually track targets and allow the player to target themselves for healing potions and heal spells.

None of that shit was around in the beginning. I'm not talking about UO 4 years after the fact. I'm comparing games at their releases. Sure, UO was really screwed once the facets or whatever they were called got split, but I don't remember any bad nerfs when I played.

Oh and my range is 64 meters effectively, not 30.

Do you ever read, or just skim? I didn't say your effective range was 30. I was saying you wouldn't be able to hit me unless I was 30 or more meters away. How you going to manage that in a duel? Ever read the boards? Pistoleers are owning dueling. They have for as long as I've played. I thought I could insta-kill Hado too with my badass rifle. Too bad it took about 2 minutes since I couldn't hit him that close. Sure you can get a lucky shot here and there, but a pistoleer can hit you point blank while running. It's one of the reasons they nerfed Bodyshot2 hardcore. I used to be able to do 500-700 damage with an FWG5.

So perhaps you should stop bitching about the pistoleers pumping your ass full of energy blasts.

When did I ever say I ever got owned by a pistoleer? Why does a statement about game difficulty or balance always turn into a fucking "my dick is bigger than yours" thread on message boards? Damn dude, read the boards. And BTW, I've never lost a duel, that I can remember. I'm just relaying to you what everyone else is saying.

Several of us are playing SWG. You can join us or not.

How many times do I have to tell you people that I haven't said I'm quitting? I said I haven't played in a few days because I'm playing KOTOR. Now I've beat it. I can fucking complain about the game all I want. I'll be surprised if none of you are complaining in a month or two.

And are you smoking crack or something? When's the last time you actually dueled someone? I've yet to be incapped by a SINGLE pistol user.

You're a brawler/rifle combo. That's not very common. You have more options in combat. Plus, yeah, I've been incapped by a pistoleer, at the end of beta. AFTER I incapped him. Because I was bleeding.
Last edited by Monster on Wed Jul 23, 2003 10:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Wynn on Wed Jul 23, 2003 10:42 pm

I didn't say you were quitting. Or anybody else. All I'm saying is that everybody doesn't have to play.
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Postby Monster on Wed Jul 23, 2003 10:54 pm

Plus I'm kinda pissed off that we don't have an architect now. RG quit playing like a day before we could have all gotten free houses.

Oh yeah, and keep in mind that when I asked NNN to join SWG, FACTIONS AND GROUPING WERE NOT NERFED. They were actually worth something. Can you see why I'm pissed? They broke the reasons I had left for us to all play together. Don't blame me for getting us to play. If you like the game, you didn't waste your money, did you?
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Postby MFalcon on Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:57 am

Hahaha I think this thread turned itself into a quoting fest that slowly snowballed into who could quote the most shit.

Anyhow, moving along I think the game still has potential and will be fixed as time progresses, hell I don't even really think its broken. Of course my playstyle is different than other folks I guess.

So far I have been adventuring with Hado and Wynn and just today I went out with a group of players and killed three DARK JEDI MASTERS in the field. They really weren't that hard to kill with 8 of us pecking away and screwing up thier shitty AI code. I also went adventuring with Rajaat and it was awesome, we took down a huge Fambaa, severl Bolle Bols, a grip of Maulers, ect. It was fun. I think faction warfare on battlefields will be fun especially after I master Rifling first.

Duels arn't really my thing anyhow and people with "rifles" are NOT meant for dueling. A rifle is a support weapon on the battlefield, its not meant for anything else.
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Postby Wynn on Thu Jul 24, 2003 10:54 am

Rifles are meant to blow a hole through someone's skull.
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Postby MFalcon on Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:47 pm

The skull or the heart, either way, I didn't plan on getting technical. But I really don't see myself going toe to toe with someone using a rifle. If that happens on the battlefield than all of my group members who I was with are dead or I was left behind somehow. Its a support weapon just like the archer of the Middle Ages.

One thing that would be nice is if they actually allow the concealment tactics tree of a rifleman to disable a player and AI's ability to see the rifleman on thier radar.

Oh yea, I heard the Commando class is broken in regards to their weaponry, damage with that weaponry, and the 'recharging' of that weaponry. So basically if someone busted thier ass to become one, they wasted thier time because the guns don't do shit fer damage and they require recharging after use. I might add that only Master Weaponsmiths can build them so they will be expensive.
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Postby Wynn on Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:04 pm

The trouble with their whole design of a player-run economy with resources and all that is that it is totally untested! They didn't have a beta test that let them balance anything. Instead, we have a live beta test that we all pay to participate in. I expect it will take a couple months before things are realistic and stable.

I really hope other MMORPGS have a larger, longer public beta. Next one for me will probably be Mythica. I'll be in that beta, so I'll let you know what the deal is there.
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Postby Monster on Thu Jul 24, 2003 7:26 pm

Same here.

BTW, MFalcon, didn't you say you were in the Horizons beta? Maybe you can transfer your account to me since you don't seem interested in it ;).
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Postby MFalcon on Thu Jul 24, 2003 8:54 pm

They actually didn't say I was in the beta, they said I have been entered as a possible tester when they open it up. I am surprised more information has flooded in on that project because the game is supposed to be released in September and nothing has been said. I figured one of us would have atleast heard they were in the next beta testing phrase. But yea, if I get a sudden invite I'll pass it on since SWG is my primary game now.
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