by Monster on Sat May 28, 2005 8:09 pm
I don't remember you havingt a Jabus, unless it was on a different server. I have you as Pai Mei in the supergroup.
I spent hours trying to get some stupid screenshots off my hard drive onto a DVD. Nero kept messing up for whatever reason, so I finally hade to zip them up to burn them. Pisses me off.
CoH took FOREVER to install and patch. However, it only took a couple patches and everything was automated until the end. Much better than Blizzard's ass patcher that requires you to constantly restart the game and agree to some BS agreement over and over.
All the time spent getting back up and running meant I only was able to play for about an hour-and-a-half yesterday. I played Dominion, my level 15 dude on our orginal server. I forgot how awesome it is to play an MMORPG where you don't have to slowly lumber your way to your destination for 20 minutes. If Blizzard made this game you'd have to actually ride the subway between zones and it would cost you 50 gold to get your movement powers and you'd have to wait 'til level 40. It really makes it obvious that Blizzard tries to artifically inflate the amount of time people will play WoW. If you could cover ground as fast as in CoH people would make level 60 in a quarter of the time. Don't get me wrong, I think it's ok to make people run places, but what fucked up world charges luxury sports car prices for something as simple as a horse? Seriously, you have to commit mass genocide before you can afford simple transportation.
ANYway, I'm going to log on as Dominion right now. I can't promise I won't be playing other characters later though.