Wynn wrote:Eliminating load times is good. That's a relatively minor part of the game though. Dungeon Siege has minimal load times, but it's still an average game.
Tell me about the phat lewt you can get. Tell me about the variety of missions you can do. Tell me how nicely the UI is laid out. Tell me about the choices you have for building up your character when you gain a level. Tell me if you dream about the game when you go to sleep at night. Tell me something other than load times!
Lewt, well money is known as information in the matrix world, the more information you have the more phat lewt you can attain. I've been getting several pills in the matrix world that grant abilities such as better hyper jump for a short time to allow you to jump from one roof to another.
The ability choosing/building character up is much cooler. You have a certain amount of memory and each (or maybe most) abilities (which in essence are programs) take up one memory slot. So you load the programs before you jack into the matrix. Before you can be some psycho kungfu karate guy you need certain skills in the awakended catagory. Once you get those programs you can load more advanced ones such operative programs then soldier programs finally being able to master in your type of martial arts program. I'm currently mastering Aikado or something a defensive form. As you level you gain more memory which allows you load out more programs. If you have enough information you can buy programs (or attain them because you're so smart omg) and you can level up (upgrade the programs OMG LEVEL 64 AKADO MARTIAL ARTS ASS KICKING). So yea its a fun and neat system. I'm glad you asked me about it. most of the time to be able to load an advanced program you need minimum requirements of other programs to be loaded in that way you're not abusing your memory slots to be an ultimate Hacker, Kung Fu, Martials arts, Coder person. Rather you will end up being specific to one area. I'm currently aiming to master the defensive/counteractive combat of martial arts as i mentioned known as Aikado (i feel that im typoing that)
I'll try to get a few screenshots of the program tree tomorrow or whenever i have time.