Remember how I mentioned you could make good money in Moonglade and Booty Bay with high fishing? Well Blizzard, as all MMORPG developers do, nerfed it by making it so you can't fish in those two places anymore until they "fix" them (ie make it worthless to fish there).
So a few losers complain and it gets nerfed. Why should I fish, now? They are probably going to remove the only goal for it (making good money). Who the hell wants to fish for two hours just to maybe find a couple of weak green items? Whatever. ... post104174
They claim they did it because people were macroing fishing (which I see no possible way to do short of having a plug-in specifically written to work with the game) but if this is true why not just ban stuff like that? There's no way they can "fix" fishing so that someone can't macro using a plug-in. It's already macro proof beyond that. My guess is they will nerf fishing so it won't be profitable (ie you won't be catching many green items anymore). I'm just talking based on experience, though. Maybe Blizzard will surprise everyone.