Still Playing?

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Still Playing?

Postby Shoruk3n on Fri Jul 23, 2004 8:52 pm

Most of the reviews I've read for CoH are positive, and I'm SICK of Lineage 2. So I'm thinking of getting CoH for my next game.

Is it worth spending the money? How much fun is it? Any PvP? I need something new...
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Postby Wynn on Sat Jul 24, 2004 9:11 pm

I still play actively, but no one else on this board does. I am levelling up my 3rd character now (have a 32 controller and a 31 blaster) just because I like playing a variety of powers, and the upper levels go a lot slower.

There is no PvP until they release City of Villains.
I personally really like the game and think it is worth it. It mostly depends on what you're looking for in a game.
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Postby Monster on Mon Jul 26, 2004 5:53 am

Don't get burned out. Me and DV definitely plan on playing again once CoV is released.
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Postby DarkViruz on Mon Jul 26, 2004 10:31 am

For the first 15 levels or so (actually probably more this is how far I got in beta before I burned out) all you will do is fight 5 of the same mobs, and do repetitive missions. You'll enjoy it, but at some point you find out there is nothing left for you to do. You don't change the world, you cannot challenge anyone else, and you're continually beating up the same useless thugs that randomly spawn all the time. It just gets to the point of who cares? So you're a super hero, who the fuck cares when there are no super villians. Imagine spiderman or xmen or whatever comics without supervillians, just retarded thugs. That's City of Heros.

City of Villians I will definetly get though.
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Postby Wynn on Mon Jul 26, 2004 11:33 am

You just described every MMORPG ever made. There's a lot of repetition in these games.

The fun is in grouping with other heroes and figuring out what player types make the best teams. Then trying to accomplish difficult missions. It requires coordination from the different power sets. I usually lead the Task Force teams I start now, since I understand what makes a good team and how to approach the situations presented.

Believe me, when you're fighting 30+ enemies at once, it's not boring :)

Soloing obviously gets boring pretty fast, and that's all DV ever did. (mostly)
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Postby DarkViruz on Mon Jul 26, 2004 12:50 pm

That is true.
Edit: And even while true I still can't believe they want 14.99$ for this game.
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Postby Wynn on Mon Jul 26, 2004 1:33 pm

Maybe you can consider $1/mo going towards the physical comic book they send you via snail mail.

But yeah.. stay in school kids. Get a real job or you'll never be able to afford the next generation of video games. :)
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