Our/My Status in SWG


Our/My Status in SWG

Postby MFalcon on Fri Jul 18, 2003 10:17 pm

Currently I have learned all of the skills trees in Artisan and I just need to train other players to become a Master Artisan.

I plan to continue work on getting Novice Weaponsmith, which will happen in the next few days.

I would move along faster but the resources that I am sampling continue to change and I am continually having to re-survey for newer ones. Another hindering fact is that my current mouse recording program does not want to handle the item deletion very well, so I have to do an hourly checkup to dump the inventory. Past that everything is going very well and I will keep the game for another month since I met my goal currently.

I will give a periodic update on my progress as things change. Please post your progress if you guys feel willing.
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Postby Wynn on Sat Jul 19, 2003 2:51 am

1 box away from Master Scout
6 boxes of Creature Handling
1 box of Rifleman
Various novice skills just for shits.
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Postby MFalcon on Mon Jul 21, 2003 2:34 pm

Name Change for me from: Martha'Focker Al'Night
To: Jade Habibi

Just message me as Jade, which I am sure is pleasing to everyone since its easy to remember and even easier to type for a tell.

Oh yea, current progress, attempting to earn apprentice points for Master Artisan and now stuck in the quagmire of earning enough money, 5k credits, to get Novice Weaponsmith.
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Postby MFalcon on Tue Jul 22, 2003 8:50 pm


Hado and I worked on leveling and loot yesterday on Endor. I am now an expert with the rifle with one box seperating me from becoming a Novice Riflewomen. Let the good times roll.
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Postby Wynn on Thu Aug 07, 2003 11:55 am

Just an update. I earned Master Creature Handler last night. No more taming babies for me! Now I can just use my pets to tank and give me group xp while I work on my rifle skills.
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Postby MFalcon on Mon Aug 11, 2003 10:32 pm

**UPDATE 08/11/2003**

I have been mining for some time on Lok, a desolate dry desert planet, and have been getting good results.

Currently, I stand with the lower tier of Weaponsmith nearly complete. I suffered a setback last week when the cloning system FAILED to give me back 7/8th of my resources I had gathered. I had 81,000 steel that I just took from my harvesters and when I was killed heading back to town I only recloned with 10,715. To say the least, I was pissed and I contacted customer service, which whom replied that they cannot replace lost items BUT they will look into it.

Anyhow, this week and I have nearly recovered all 80,000 steel and I will continue to allow the harvesters to work until this resource cycle is complete. Then I will macro crafting and make it, possibly, to the middle of the third tier of weaponsmithing. This brings me to another interesting topic in the game, the resource cycle. I have noticed that the game cycles them in a repeated pattern that isn't difficult to keep track of. First, it will start off with a 7 to 15 day stretch. At the end of that stretch it will cycle 3 to 4 times BEFORE it resets to that stretch again. The cycling usually takes about 3 to 4 days since they only reset the resources when the server goes down for maintanence. It took me some time and money to figure this out but its invaluable information for those with harvesters. I also want to add that you will know when the server is in a 7 to 15 day stretch because the resource list will be huge with 3 to 4 types in most areas.

BTW, Hado I might need some help in the credit department at the end of this week or the beginning of next. I am down to 60,000 credits from the 197,000 you gave me early. With the current harvesting going well and the cycles repeating as they are I believe I can attain Master Weaponsmith by the end of August. The earlier loss of resources to the cloning issue really fucked up my schedule :(
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Postby Hado on Tue Aug 12, 2003 5:15 pm

Do you have ICQ?
When will you be on so I can meet up with you?

I haven't been able to play for the past week because my computer is totally FUBAR. My Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 died, computer keeps beeping at me and resetting itself etc. I can get in the game for only very short periods of time
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Postby Monster on Tue Aug 12, 2003 11:04 pm

Resetting itself... possibly due to... MSBLAST.EXE?
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Postby MFalcon on Tue Aug 12, 2003 11:49 pm

I have MSN Instant Messenger: mfalcon85@hotmail.com

I'll be on Wenesday at 11pm to 12am PST for a quick checkup on the harvesters. If you can pop online then that'd be cool, otherwise reschedule a meet for anytime after 10pm PST and I can make it.
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Postby MFalcon on Tue Aug 19, 2003 2:35 pm

**UPDATE 08/19/2003**

My harvesters topped out at 23k each before finishing out the cycle. I now have 184,000 steel sitting in my inventory waiting to be macro'd away to weaponsmithing. However there is an issue that I just noticed when I first started macroing. For some reason the game has a cap set on weaponsmithing experience where the player cannot attain more than 56,000 skill points at one time. My guess is that Sony realized that people were 'grinding' there way through the skill trees and then simply going to a trainer for 10 minutes and becoming a Master So-and-So.

Yaaaaayy for Sony for yet again adding an extremely lame fucking change that is affecting me and allowing me to write this bitch/rant. Anyhow, my actual status:

Weaponsmithing: Firearms I, Techniques I & II, have plenty of steel to grind through the rest of the first and second tier. It just means I'll be stopping at 56,000 experience and getting training each time since SONY, dear olde LOVELY SONY, decided to allow the player to CONTINUE to macro crafting using materials yet gain no more experience. Which is a total slap in the face to the player populace. With the passive aggressive behavior being shown in this game by its development staff I am really beginning to wonder if people will continue to play.
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Postby Monster on Tue Aug 19, 2003 5:43 pm

There has always been an experience cap until you get training in a skill. It's been that way since beta.

If you are gaining experience in a skill that other skills share experience with then it is not capped until you have received enough experience to train ALL those skills. That's probably why you didn't notice it until you started specializing.

In related news, me and Wynn have cancelled our accounts.
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Postby DarkViruz on Wed Aug 20, 2003 5:49 am

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Postby MFalcon on Thu Aug 21, 2003 9:20 am


More like rented.
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Postby DarkViruz on Thu Aug 21, 2003 8:45 pm


I was on the subway today and saw an ad that said "Stop renting and start owning"

I thought how I would outcool people started calling them renters. But you're such a bitch for beating me to it :(
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Postby Monster on Thu Aug 21, 2003 11:33 pm

Canada has subways?
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